• Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

Where Most of the Self-Acclaimed Creators of Bitcoin Gone?

May 14, 2021

Ever tried to find out who is the real person behind the creation of this unique currency known as Bitcoin? Well, we do not need to because already innumerable attempts have been made but all failed. What we know about Bitcoin’s creator, or that we are inclined to believe, is that his name is Satoshi Nakamoto.

However, this man, maybe a woman, or maybe a group vanished completely after one year of Bitcoin’s creation. Still today, Bitcoin’s creation remains an unsolved, one of the most anticipated, mystery of the world.

Yet there were many self-professed so-called inventors of Bitcoin, which the world has seen since 2009. However, when a thorough analysis of these so-called inventors was carried out, the evidence they provided failed to prove their claims. The world even heard their wild and long stories about how they actually created Bitcoin and sometimes people were seen convinced. However, after a short while, they too were found to be making up the stories on their own.

Every year there were several claims that got the attention of being the real inventors. However, so far in this year already four and a half months have been passed, yet there was not any single claim seen. This exception could not go unnoticed. Are they all gone and vanished like the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto? Alternatively, that they are busy in their efforts to capitalize, whatever they can, from the ongoing Bitcoin rally? These are two major or maybe less important questions as well.

There was a time when there were not one but too many Nakamotos. For example in the year 2018, a claimant was given the title “Hawaiian Nakamoto” because he belonged to Hawaii. His actual name was Ronald Keala Kua Maria. Kua Maria even lodged a lawsuit in the US claiming trademark and patent rights over Bitcoin as his lawful property.

Then came another claimant in the same year who went by the name Phil Wilson. Like Hawaiian Nakamoto, this claimant too earned himself a title as “Scronty”. However, his claim was slightly different from others because he said that he was 1/3 part of the group called “Satoshi Nakamoto”. He also claimed that he was part of the team in which people such as Craig Wright and David Kleiman too were members.

Similarly, in 2019, there was once again yet another claimant namely Debo Jurgen Etienne Guido. He earned himself an opportunity to make his way into some of the headlines. However, after a few days, the crypto community ignored him completely because he failed to provide any proof or even a made-up story. Even today, he is sticking to the claim that he is the real Nakamoto and also operates a Twitter handler titled “@realsatoshin”.

The list goes on and on but there was one claimant who is a big Bitcoin lover, a wealthy man and holds a fair amount of Bitcoins. His name is Craig Wright, whose name was also referred to by 2018’s claimant Scronty. He continues to fight for his title and has been in legal battles in multiple jurisdictions of the world.

If Craig Wright is taken out of the picture for once, then apparently no claimant emerged in the year 2021 so far. Do they too have gone mysteriously?

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