• Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Crypto Fraud Scheme’s Founder Denied Bail By Russian Court

Sep 29, 2021

A Russian Court dealing with the complaint of crypto fraud committed through a pyramid scheme called “Finiko” has denied granting of bail to the two main accused of the fraud scheme. The counsels of both the detained individuals requested the Court to grant them bail because nobody is absconding, however, the Court while denying the request ordered the authorities to keep them into custody for a further two months.

 A District Court in Tatarstan, Russia has denied granting of bail to the main accused involved in a crypto pyramid scheme called “Finiko”. The accused namely Kirill Doronin and Ilgiz Shakirov were named in the complaint against Finiko. Doronin was allegedly the founder of the scheme was Shakirov was the scheme’s Vice President. Both were previously taken into custody over the allegations of committing investment fraud.

When the case came up for hearing, the counsels of both sides were present. There were at least three counsels who were there to represent Finiko’s founder. Initially, the counsels of both the accused, argued that their clients be released because no charges have not been proved against them yet. They argued that under the law their clients are treated “innocents” until they are proven guilty. Therefore, their right to freedom should be restored in accordance with law.

However, the counsels for the accused failed to convince the Court and denied their request. Upon judging the court’s reaction, the counsels for Doronin then changed their stance and gave a proposal to the Court. They asked the Court to confine their client in his house and they will provide a guarantee that he will not abscond. Even this proposal of the counsels was failed to change the mind of the Court. The Court then went on to pass an order in which firstly the Court denied the right of bail to the accused. Secondly, the proposal for keeping the founder of Finiko into house arrest was also rejected. Thirdly, the Court asked the authorities to keep both of the accused into judicial custody for a further 60 day period.

Finiko was revealed to be a crypto fraud scheme in November 2020, however, by the time the damage had already been caused. It was launched in December 2018, and since then had been collecting the money from the investors on false promises until the end of 2020. Investors were deliberately lured into the fraud scheme allegedly by the founder, executives and other personnel of Finiko operating the fraud scheme.

Thereafter, the investors lodged complaints wherever they can for the refund of their money. However, the operators of Finiko had taken all the money. The scheme came to an end in the month of July, 2021. But soon after the end of Finiko, law enforcement agencies of Russia started to arrest people associated with it. The prosecution is convinced that when the trial will proceed of the two accused, just will be served.

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