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Craig White Wishes to Pull-Through US$3 Billion Worth Bitcoins By Court Filing

Feb 26, 2021

The person claiming that he is the creator/inventor of Bitcoin, Craig White, has hatched a plan to seek Court’s indulgence against several blockchain developers who are operating at open sources. The legal team of Wright has issued legal notices to various programmers asking them to pay 111,000 Bitcoins which were stolen in February last year from Wright’s computer network.

For long an Australian businessman named Craig Wright has been claiming that he is the founder/inventor of Bitcoin. At several occasions Wright has claimed openly to be the person behind the launch of Bitcoin namely “Satoshi Nakamoto”. But for world, he is one of those unlucky fellows who think that people would believe what they are saying without any evidence.

But his efforts of claiming the title of “Bitcoin inventor” are praiseworthy though at all times he had failed to convince. In fact in the eyes of experts and crypto community as well as media, his claims are baseless and frivolous. However, he has always stood behind his claim and tirelessly putting in efforts to convince greater audience.

He has a team of lawyers and attorneys, Ontier LLP, which has been working for him in his pursuit of his objective. The law firm has instituted multiple lawsuits against organizations, individuals, programmers, blockchains etc. Most of them have been decided and a few are pending for decision. But largely, majority of claims have been turned down by courts and quasi-judicial authorities.

Wright has now come up with a new plan of initiating a new round of litigation against open source developers of blockchains. His hired law firm has sent off letters on behalf of Wright wherein two address containing Bitcoins have been mentioned. In the first address there are a total of 79,957.20 Bitcoins, which have been lying dormant since creation of the address. While the other address comprised of 31,000 Bitcoin, however, 21,700 coins have been spent, while the rest are lying idle as well.

The contents of the letter suggest that the addressee have failed to respond to the earlier letters sent in June last year. The attorneys also informed the addressee that instead of replying, according to their knowledge, extracts of these letters were posted online.

Separate letters in the same context was also sent by Ontier on behalf of a company known as Tulip Trading Limited (TTL). In these letters the law firm has alleged that TTL’s passwords and access keys were in the custody and possession of Wright.

It has been claimed by Wright through his attorneys that some hackers managed to access Wright’s personal computer and stole the keys to TTL. Resultantly, their client i.e. Wright has been prevented from his lawfully owned and possessed crypto addresses as well as assets.

The letter has been sent as a warning to the programmers. It specifically makes mention that the letter is to be treated to be a “notice” before initiation of legal action. The action will be taken to recover the Bitcoins which Wright hasn’t been able to access. The letter further requires the addressee to respond through legal attorneys.

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