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Bitopps Review – Trade Bitcoin With Bitopps

Apr 14, 2021

Bitopps Review

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If you are looking for a good broker and are confused about multiple options that are available on the internet, then Bitopps is an easy option for you. In this Bitopps review, we are going to discuss everything that you need to know before choosing your broker.

If you tell the concept of online trading to your elders, who used to trade in actual means, then it would be quite shocking for them how rapidly technology evolved after the introduction of the internet and computers. But if we go back into old times, trades used to happen through physical means, which included markets, shops, etc., the buyer had to physically leave their houses and go to the market in order to buy stuff. The same was the case with sellers as well. They had to take their products far away to the market where they could sell them. But as the technology evolved, many advancements took place, and computers were one of those inventions that changed the world dynamics. At the start, people couldn’t realize the potential of the internet, and they didn’t know how rapidly it would grow.

But nowadays, when we see around us, everything that we are looking at has some kind of computer input to it. As time went on and on, we saw many possibilities unlocking as the internet was advancing, and experts always tried harder and harder to provide a technology that can ease up a human’s life. The same happened with the trades as well. The humans who had to leave their houses and go far away to trade can now make that trade by just sitting at home. Then there came a hype of the stock exchange, where different companies offered their stocks and traders invested in the company hoping for some profits in return. But those stocks were not that secured. Many traders faced losses, and eventually, the popularity decreased.

But in recent years, cryptocurrencies are the latest invention, and the first cryptocurrency was Bitcoin. It is a decentralized currency that doesn’t have any central authority. Instead, it works on blockchain technology where different miners mine bitcoins and try to get the next block into the chain. This whole system sounds very confusing for many traders, but thankfully the evolution of cryptocurrency helped many traders to easily understand it. Up to a point where now different brokers are working in the field, and they are offering a very sleek platform where traders can come and trade. These platforms are online, so traders don’t have to leave their houses in order to trade.

As the hype of Bitcoin gained pace and the price of Bitcoin multiplied in such less time, every trader who has been trading any other instrument showed interest in crypto trading as well. And now, there are billions of traders who are trading different cryptocurrencies. But as a new trader, you wouldn’t know how this trading works because it is a bit complex than other instruments like stocks, etc., but then these brokers come in really handy. There are plenty of brokers listed on the internet who are offering their services in crypto trading. But the real question arises that among all of these fascinating options, which one should you choose as a trader which will benefit you.

After extensive research and unbiased opinion-forming, I have come up with a broker named “Bitopps.” This broker is, however, not that experienced in the field, but definitely, you should never judge a book by its cover. There is a lot more than just experience that this brokerage firm can offer you. And who knows, this might be the best option for you, so let’s dive into the platform to know more about it.

Bitopps website

Key Features Of Bitopps

When you search for crypto brokers online, you are going to come up with hundreds of names. Everyone out there is claiming different services and some exclusive perks as well. But the more options a trader has, the more confused he gets. And that leads to confusing decisions, which many traders regret later on. But I have done the research on some of the most popular crypto brokers and come up with the conclusion that the following are some of the features that Bitopps provide, and these are worth noting. So let us dive into it.

The Trading Platform Of Bitopps

Starting off with the first things that a trader is going to experience, and that is the platform itself. If we look at other broker platforms, you can observe that the interface is kept very boring. Other brokers focus on delivering as many services as possible, and that creates a total mess at their platforms with tons of tabs and information. But Bitopps has taken a different approach towards its platform.

The platform of Bitopps is so well designed that if you visit its web page, you will be amazed by how user-friendly and appealing it is. The platform is packed with every feature that a trader would want, but not in a way that it overwhelms you. Bitopps has live rates of different cryptocurrencies that it offers. And with that, there are different tabs that are organized in an extremely professional and appealing way. So that when a trader visits its platform, he doesn’t get confused or feel like a totally different planet.

Other than the design of the platform, Bitopps has also focused on the responsiveness of the platform. In the world of crypto trading, every second count. A slight delay of even one second can cause you some pretty great losses as the prices are rapidly changing. So in an atmosphere like this, you need an extremely responsive platform that can handle all of the tasks effectively. Bitopps has provided you with that platform. The platform is kept extremely simple and fast that whatever trade you want to perform, there will be no lag or any type of error which is a great step because Bitopps pays special attention to customer’s experience and satisfaction.

Many other brokers are providing you with restricted platforms and require you to download a bunch of software to run. But Bitopps has changed the trading game. It is providing traders with a web-based platform that you can access from anywhere you want. So that means you don’t have to particularly take your laptop or desktop along with you everywhere. You can access your account from whatever device you have. For example, if you are on the go or traveling somewhere, then you can access everything about trading on your phone or tablet that you are carrying along with you. All you need is the internet which is mostly available everywhere nowadays.

Invite A Friend To The Platform Offer

If you like the platform of Bitopps and are really impressed by the services that it offers, then you can even earn more than you are in the beginning. Yes, along with all the profits that you are earning by trading through Bitopps, you can even work for them and help them to gather more traders. If you have a friend who is facing confusion just like you were and asking for a recommendation, then Bitopps is the right option for both of you.

All you have to do is invite a friend to the platform, and you can earn some bonus for that from the team of Bitopps. So why not earn more by inviting others to the platform. But that doesn’t restrict the opportunities to only one, you can invite dozens of friends and relatives who are interested in crypto trading, and you will get a reward for every single trader that you bring.

Customer support service

When you search for brokers on the internet, you can find hundreds of options. Everyone is claiming pretty fascinating services and features on their platforms. But the real thing to test is whether they are fulfilling those claims or not. And that is something you can’t ignore. Every claim that a firm makes is baseless until they are not providing you with those services. So that means all they are doing is gathering as much audience and trying to get more and more traders, but all of those traders are not satisfied with the services.

But Bitopps is not doing what everyone else is doing on their platforms. Bitopps is claiming only those services which they know they are going to provide without any flaws. For instance, they highlight their extremely user-friendly platform at many places, and as soon as you reach out to its platform, you see that they are actually providing a really fascinating platform. Other than that, there are many other features that are being provided by Bitopps.

So if we talk about customer support, we know in the world of online trading, there can be a lot of errors and bugs. The computers are full of them, and these bugs and errors are impossible to totally avoid. But a responsible and professional brokerage firm tries its best to avoid as many errors and confusions as possible, but as I have stated earlier, these are impossible to totally avoid. So what is the possible solution to these recurring and unavoidable errors? A broker can provide a robust customer support service. And Bitopps is as always not disappointing you in that department as well. Bitopps has designed such a responsive and reliable customer support service that you can contact them anytime you want. There is an option to contact the team on Bitopps platform where traders can leave their queries, and the team will reply to you in a very short time.

Bitopps customer support service

Extremely Convenient Registration Process

When you sign up with any other broker, you are required to fill a bunch of blanks which is quite hectic. And also, traders have to wait for a long time in order to get their documents verified by the firm. But Bitopps is not letting you have any confusion or difficulty in signing up. The extremely easy registration process only requires your name and email through which you can start your account. So it is very convenient for the traders to sign up with Bitopps.

So if you wish to register with Bitopps, all you have to do is head out to its platform and click on register. After that, you will be redirected to a screen where you can provide some of the very basic information about yourself. And that is it. This is all it takes to open an account with Bitopps. And if you already have an account with Bitopps, then along with the option to register, there is an option to log in, which will require your credentials to log in, and you will be redirected to your account from where you can start trading.

No Compromise On The Security 

While trading online, there are many risks that may come along with the perks of online trading. There have been many cases reported on the internet forums which tell us that online trading is not safe from scammers and fraudsters. But with wise and informed decisions, a trader can reduce the risk of getting scammed up to a significant percentage.

As one of the leading regulated brokerage firms, Bitopps pays special attention to the security protocols required to ensure the safety of trader’s data and money. You should keep in mind that while trading online, you provide your two very essential assets, the first one is the data, and the second is money in the form of investment. So you definitely don’t want any of them to be stolen. But when scammers are involved in such a market, the risks of getting robbed increase as well as some of the negative-minded people are interested in stealing one’s money.

Bitopps has adopted many regulatory policies, which have been marked standard by many financial regulatory authorities as well. The first one among them is KYC or, in other words, Know Your Customer policy. According to this policy, every regulated broker is required to ask for proof of residence and proof of identity while traders are signing up, which means that Bitopps will surely require any type of proof for your residency that can be provided through a valid utility bill. And regarding proof of identification, the firm requires a national Identity card issued by the government, which will prove that you are a citizen of a particular country.

The second type of policy is AML or Anti Money Laundering policy. With the help of this policy, brokerage firms are able to avoid any type of illegal activity from being conducted on the platform. All of these policies combine together to give traders the ultimate peace of mind that they are looking for. So if you choose Bitopps as your broker, you should be satisfied that your information and money are kept safe with Bitopps.

Types Of Accounts Offered By Bitopps

As a trader, you will have certain requirements for your trading account. Your requirements and use will differ from other trader’s requirements. So it is difficult to cater to every type of trader’s needs. Hence Bitopps is providing more than one type of account to choose from. A list of the types of accounts that Bitopps offer is as follows.

  • Basic account type

This is the first type of account that is offered by Bitopps. As the name implies, it is designed for the traders who are on the amateur level or, in other words, totally inexperienced. That is why the minimum amount to open this account has been kept as low as 1K. But for an inexperienced trader, the features provided in this type of account are not limited at all. It offers live support and has a dedicated educational program to help new traders grow as well.

  • Bronze account type

If you want to get a little more than just basic, this account is designed for you. But as a next-level account, it has some extra perks as well, like senior account manager and basic price alerts. The minimum deposit required to open this type of account is 10K which is not a lot for the traders of intermediate level.

  • Silver account type

This is the third type of account which starts from a minimum of 25K of deposit. As a higher level of account, it offers some additional features as well like daily market reviews and many more as well.

  • Gold account type 

If you really want to step up your trading game and think that you have enough experience to start investing huge amounts of money, then a Gold account is the starting point for you. It starts from a minimum deposit of 50K and has some pretty fascinating features like personalized trading strategy, one on one trading feature, access to premier events, and much more.

  • Platinum account type 

This is the highest level of the standard account which can be accessed by any trader. It starts from 100K and has next-level features added to it. It offers all of the features that Bitopps offers and that too with premium access to it like VIP price alerts, VIP account manager, and much more.

  • Black account type 

This is an account type that is designed for special traders and can only be accessed through special requests to your account manager. It has every feature that is required by most experienced and loyal traders.

Final Verdict

As a trader, it is your right to be informed about all the options that you have. With the help of this review, I have tried to clarify everything to you, and if you think that Bitopps is offering everything that you would want, then you should choose it for yourself as well as refer it to your friends, remember you are going to get a reward for it as well.

Bitopps Rating


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