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ActionRefund.com Review – Can “Action Refund” Be Trusted?

Jul 18, 2020

ActionRefund.com Review

The modern digital world provides people with a lot of conveniences and advantages. With the widespread use of the internet, everything has become easily accessible and businesses are now conducted online without any hassle. A couple of decades ago, no one could have imagined such changes would occur, but there is no denying that lives have been changed for the better. The internet offers a world of benefits to people from every walk of life, but it is important to remember that it also carries some risks. It has become a breeding ground for different kinds of risks and threats and cybercriminals are taking advantage of every opportunity to exploit people.

Over the years, these scams and frauds have become quite sophisticated, which makes it even more difficult to stay safe. Also, it is extremely tough to control these threats because of constant advancements that allow these criminals to find loopholes and continue their operations one way or another. You can find a massive number of victims of online frauds and scams if you do even a little bit of research and these are the ones that have been disclosed. There are thousands of victims out there who don’t share their incidents because they are embarrassed and don’t want to disclose the details.

There are also people out there who don’t open up because they don’t know where to seek help. There are no specific organizations that have been established to help victims of online frauds and scams. Realizing this fact, a number of websites began popping up for helping people in recovering their money after they had been victimized. One of these websites is none other than Action Refund. As the name indicates, this website aims to assist all those people out there who have suffered from a scam or fraud and want to get a refund. It claims to take action on their behalf.

Action Refund logo

What kind of scams does it help with? If you take a look at the company’s website, you will discover that they claim to specialize in helping those people who have suffered from online trading scams. These include scams that happen during cryptocurrency trading, binary options trading, forex trading and numerous others. Apart from that, you can also reach out to Action Refund for any other kind of scam or fraud like online dating scam and more. How can they assist you?

As per the instructions provided on their website, Action Refund asks people to provide some personal details in order to get help. You have to share your full name, email address, phone number and your location with them. Next, you have to provide them with a full-fledged description of the fraud or scam that occurred with you. They have said that they will verify the information first and once they have done so, they will consult with the victim and then assign a designated team member for helping them recover their lost funds. It sounds quite straightforward on the surface, but when you take an in-depth look at Action Refund, you will come to know that there are a lot of inconsistencies.

ActionRefund.com is a Scam

Since they are asking for such personal and detailed information from you, it is wise not to share anything before you have vetted them. When you do that, you will come to know of some red flags, which indicate that Action Refund is not exactly what they claim to be. What are these warning signs? Let’s take a look:

  • They haven’t been around for very long

First and foremost, the experience of a company in recovering and retrieving money that has been lost is of the utmost importance. In today’s age of internet scams, you don’t want to entrust your details with a new company that hasn’t proven itself yet. If you check Active Refund’s website to find out information about their establishment, you will not find any such details. In fact, the information that you do find will indicate as if they have been in business for quite a long time, which means they know exactly what they are doing. However, a quick check of the company’s domain registration will reveal what you need to know; Action Refund was established in October 2019, which means they haven’t been around for that long. Hence, the various reviews and claims become suspicious automatically because it is not possible for them to have done so much, so quickly.

  • They have multiple domain names

An authentic and trustworthy company will only have one domain name registered in their name. After all, they are very conscious about their branding and marketing and so they will make an effort to register a proper domain. Active Refund claims to be a reliable and genuine company, then why do they have two domain names registered? This automatically sends up a red flag because it means there is something shady going on. One domain name is www.actionrefund.com. The other is www.actionrefund-ltd.com. The existence of multiple domains means that there is no way to determine the company’s authenticity.

  • They don’t offer any explanation

Another prominent sign of a reliable and reputable company is that they will provide you with complete details about what they do and how they do. They are completely open and transparent about their services because their aim is to reassure their clients. Yet, when you check out Active Refund’s website to see how they operate, you will find no such information shared by them.

This is not a good sign because considering the service they aim to provide, they should do everything in their power to give peace of mind to their clients. They should inform them about all the steps they will take, but they have done no such thing. According to them, they will verify the fraud or scam, but they don’t give any explanations regarding how they will go about it. How will they determine if a case is valid and how will they communicate it to the clients? There are no answers and neither have they given a timeline of how things will go. How can you trust a company that doesn’t tell you what it does?

  • They don’t have a free consultation

One of the first things that you will come across when you visit their website is their claim of reaching out to you for a free consultation after you have shared your personal details and provided information about the scam. But, if you look deeper and check Action Refund’s privacy policy, you will find some contradicting information. The privacy policy indicates that there will be no free consultation and customers will be asked to pay a commission, along with a separate fee that will be determined depending on the case.

Again, no details have been provided regarding this fee. If the company doesn’t charge for a consultation, then why have they provided payment gateways on their website? These can be seen on the bottom of the website, which clearly indicate that the company plans to charge you. The false claim is another red flag that should be noted about Active Refund.

  • They don’t support UK clients

The primary purpose of the company is to assist all those people who have become victims of different online scams and frauds. But, it doesn’t seem to be doing so for any customers hailing from the United Kingdom who have been sold fake investment products. These products are the ones regulated by the PRA or the FCA. The company is not offering its services to these clients, even though its sole purpose is to help investors in recovering the funds they lose to various trading schemes and investment products. They have not given any explanation as to why they are denying these services, which only adds to the confusion regarding their authenticity.

  • There is no way to check case history of the company

Every company and business makes tall claims about what they have achieved and Active Refund is no different in this regard. They also claim that they have helped thousands of traders and victims of online frauds and scams. But, what makes them different from the other companies is that they have absolutely no evidence or proof to back these claims. If other businesses make such claims, they do provide some statistics or case history as proof. However, you will not find anything remotely close to case history on Action Refund’s website.

Should you take the company at their word? In this world of scams and frauds, it is definitely not wise for anyone to just believe what a business is claiming without thoroughly looking into it. How can you share your personal details with a company when they haven’t disclosed anything about their case history? You will not find any such information and this is another warning sign that tells you not to trust them with your confidential information.

  • They haven’t shared any client names

As stated above, there is no case history on Action Refund’s website. But, they have shared a list of the amounts they have recovered on behalf of their customers. The problem is that this information is still incomplete. Anyone could just write down some figures and the only way to substantiate them is through proper names. Yet, Action Refund does not mention a single trader and don’t share any client names on their website at all. Hence, there is no way to confirm if they have actually retrieved the money or not.

  • They don’t share anything about their employees

Every professional and legitimate company will have a section dedicated to their employees on their website. This section highlights their employees’ skills, background and experience to reassure people that they are in capable hands. Considering the kind of sensitive service Action Refund provides, they should also have such a section where they tell potential and existing clients about who will be handling their work to reassure them that it will be done right. You will once again be disappointed because the company has no such section and shares absolutely no information about their employees. When they won’t disclose such information, why should you share your personal details with them? It is best not to do so.

  • They don’t have proper support

Active Refund’s website doesn’t have a live chat option for customer support. They have given an email address and shared a couple of phone numbers, but none of these are operational. You can try them about and discover that there is no response from the company, which is certainly a warning sign.

  • Their FAQ section is full of errors

It is easy to identify a professionally designed website and a poorly crafted one. Scam websites tend to look good on the surface, but when you take a close look, it becomes apparent that they are not authentic. These websites usually have a lot of spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and misleading information that immediately indicates a scam. You will come across the same issue when you visit the FAQ section of Action Refund’s website. This section is usually designed to help visitors out, but when you take a look at it, you will find plenty of spelling mistakes and errors. It is an indication that the website is not professional, which is a reflection of the company.

  • They have shady testimonials

The reviews and testimonials of a business usually provide an insight into their services and are a valuable source of information for potential clients. Active Refund’s testimonials do no such thing because they are extremely vague and have been posted by accounts without any pictures. There is a good chance these are fake accounts and the company has either paid for these reviews or posted them itself. Hence, they cannot be trusted at all.


When you put all of these problems together, it becomes easy to see that Action Refund should definitely not be trusted. The company is also a scam and is exploiting customers and you shouldn’t share any information with them.

Action Refund (Recovery Scam)


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