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30 Days Left for “Time” Magazine to Accept Cryptocurrency Towards Subscription

Mar 23, 2021

Want to judge the popularity of a sportsman or film star, then make sure he or she has ever appeared in Time magazine.

Time magazine is one of the oldest magazines in the US which covers not only top stories but also covers famous celebrities. The easiest way to get a copy of the magazine is to purchase it from a vendor. However, the best convenient way is to subscribe to the magazine and get a copy of it at your doorstep whenever a new edition is published.

It has recently been officially announced by Time magazine that they too are entering the crypto sphere. It was told by the magazine that now the subscription fee can be paid through the use of crypto. The option of crypto is available to all magazine readers, irrespective of whether they were old subscribers or new ones.

The company was looking to hire new talents and particularly was up for hiring a new Chief Financial Officer. In the job opening advert, the magazine was seeking to hire someone who is fully capable of understanding Bitcoin. Furthermore, the interested candidate must also possess an understanding and knowledge of how blockchain technology works, required advert. It was mentioned in the advertisement that the global media industry is evolving a great deal. The magazine needs someone who can sail the magazine into evolution, suggested the advertisement.

Crypto integration and the aim of hiring crypto knowledgeable CFO were not the only things Time magazine apprised of. In fact, the magazine informed further that it has engaged with Super rare for business purposes. Super rare is a company that renders services to those who want to sell out non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

The magazine told that three NFTs have been prepared by the magazine which comprises over magazine covers that were iconic. One of the NFT has been named “Is Fiat Dead” and will be put for auction through Super rare along with two separate NFTs. The other two NFTs, as reported, are consisting of iconic covers which brought great fame to the magazine.

By the time of this press release, Time’s NFTs have already been put for sale through public auction and is under process. The highest bid price given by a bidder was of 27.5 Ethereum coins which are equal to approximately US$ 46,000.

President of Time magazine, Keith Grossman, was also seen posting tweet messages from his official Twitter account. He also confirmed that they will be accepting all types of cryptocurrencies for paying of charges against subscription. However, he clarified that crypto integration will be available after 30 days’ time. For the time being the subscription can be done on the basis of US Dollars.

He further stated that we want to adopt evolution and technology and the best way was the integration of cryptocurrencies.

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